Got Yarn?
The guild's garage sale will be held during the June meeting. Now is the time to do some "spring cleaning" and find any knitting books or yarn you feel you no longer need. A tag will be provided so you can use it to label the items you would like to sell. Remember to bring cash or your check book in case you find something you just can't live without!
Also coming up on June 12th and 13th is the Iowa Sheep & Wool Festival. The guild will be helping out at the Sheep Festival again this year. More details to come soon...
Directions to Pearson Park Shelter in West Des Moines - The address is 1298 19th Street, West Des Moines. You can get to it off of Ashworth by turning North onto 19th Street.
Bring your knitting and come knit with us. Vistors are always welcome!
Happy Knitting!